I'm not a fan of "everything happens for a reason." It's a statement that can make the afflicted feel deprived of their right to feel worried or wounded.


But I will say that the worst of times often offers us the opportunity to reclaim the best of ourselves.

It's like a kind of reset.

As we try to balance the advice to not panic with directives to maintain three-foot boundaries with other humans; work, educate, and worship from home; and, apparently, observe frugality with bath tissue, we certainly feel conflicted. To be charged with guidelines that seem so unnatural - and unsettling - teases us with the very fear we are being advised to deny.

Images and anecdotes on the news, though generally well-intended, sound a most shrill alarm. They churn the pit of dread in our bellies (or light our hair on fire), and those feelings are normal. Because these are not normal times.

But they are just the kind of to-the-brink times that kick us out of complacency and, honestly, make us really see one another again (ironically, when we are supposed to be seeing less and less of one another!).

We've already witnessed wonderful bits of this happening: educational outfits offering web-based resources and classes free of charge, local restaurants and stores integrating delivery or curbside pick-up, neighbors stocking food banks and blessing boxes, children making cards for senior living residents no longer permitted visitors. These may seem like small gestures, but they make a tangible, positive impact on individuals. Collectively, these efforts are life-changing and, perhaps more importantly, purpose-affirming.

To this end, KLH Group is responding to the pandemic pandemonium with LOVE and support.

With intention and action, we are thinking of others – mainly our clubhouse families – in these hours. Many are separated, with one parent staying at a child's hospital bedside while the other attends to children at home. Moreover, some parents are essential workers and must leave their kids home in their commitment to serve the public. 

So we are reclaiming some of the control we've lost to the coronavirus, and harnessing our need to react not by hunkering and hoarding, but by assessing and addressing. Here are just a few ways our team will deploy to our clubhouse community:

  • Grocery delivery, either through instacart membership or personal drop-offs.

  • Donations of gift cards to local restaurants for carry-out.

  • Engaging more comprehensive strategies - from home service needs to educational resources and tutoring - where the gaps are greatest

  • For one or two of our hardest-hit clubhouse families, a monetary donation matched by partnering companies.

Of course, we are a extending a robust invitation to those in our network to join us in seeing this crisis through a different lens. We welcome existing and new partner companies to experience what giving at a uniquely uncertain, incalculable time does for their organizations, for their teams, and for the world.

It's our moment to reset. At KLH Group, we’ve truly never felt more conviction. Now is the time.

Want to jump in and help?

Support those who are immunocompromised during the coronavirus.

The KLH Group is actively delivering much needed supplies and monetary gifts to families in the Charleston area affected by the virus.

Venmo Hope below. 100% of donations will go directly to families through support of local restaurant gift cards or grocery deliveries.


Creating a Gathering Wall

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Okay, we admit: a wall is not exactly a universally-accepted icon of connectedness. In fact, it generally evokes quite the opposite. But we also concede that this wasn't the first time our crew at KLH Group saw something concrete through a softer - and more colorful - lens.

The wall was in New Castle, Pennsylvania. It was 50 feet long, one story high. It was unsightly, though not to the point of drawing ire or angst - it simply wasn't noteworthy enough to do either. Honestly, it was just like hundreds of others in any midsize city: strictly functional and starkly unfriendly.

For some serendipitous reason, a team member from Holistic Industries - one of our amazing partner companies - took notice of this sad wall. And once its bleakness was brought to our doorstep, it was just a matter of finding the right path to this edifice's potential. We knew we could achieve it with the engagement of Holistic and the support of the community.

Then serendipity struck again.

We were able to commission an incredibly gifted muralist, Douglas Panzone, to make the wall into his canvas. Douglas is a renowned artist, particularly in the film industry, and has worked on several projects for HBO, including the Charleston-based "Righteous Gemstones." And with our challenge, in short order, he had brilliantly blueprinted 50 feet of graphic street art.

Under a sunlit sky on a crisp midwestern fall day, we gathered with dozens of associates from Holistic Industries to bring the design to life. With a palette of colors nodding to the company's logo, we worked with rollers and brushes to honor and execute the kaleidoscope. The result was nothing short of stunning.

To dedicate the wall, a plaque was installed near the door that enters a popular event space. Both the current mayor and a former mayor of New Castle, as well as a handful of other supportive statesmen, were present for the brief ceremony. And then - to honor the real beneficiaries of the mural - music, beverages, snacks, and bounce castles were unfurled for an outdoor community shindig.

It may seem simple, painting a wall. It may even seem odd, this endeavor. But its transformation has brought visitors into the city - it is a true destination. More importantly, however, it has gifted to locals a greater sense of pride, appreciation and, yes, connectedness.


Days to (Half) Decades: A Glance in the Rearview


As the dazzling ball dropped and lit up 2020, humans worldwide reflected on the past decade. At KLH, we kind of went halvsies.

It's not that ten years is too much for us to consider. And we're so thankful that '10 through '14 brought us such gems as Bruno Mars, Downton Abbey and, closer to home, Roti Rolls. But it's that second half of the decade that we're staring back on, hands on hips, mouths agape. How is it that KLH Group turned five years old this very week?


It seems impossible. They say time flies when you're having fun, but it must move at warp speed when you're doing good. And when we consider what we've achieved since our humble but ambitious beginnings, it brings five calendar turns into clearer focus.

Above all, perhaps, is one figure: 230,000. That's the number of kids we've positively impacted in the past half-decade. For some, it was a fresh supply of beloved toys to play with during inpatient cancer care. For others, it was the welcomed daily sight of a colorful mural along the corridor of a hospital. And for others, it was the dream of a safe space to play come to bear in the delivery of a charming handcrafted clubhouse. Partnering with our clients to give sick and underserved youth in our community the tangible gifts and intangible experiences so easily taken for granted has been the recurring zenith of our work.


Zooming in on more recent wins, we consider the addition of Victoria Hill to our team among the most wonderful. As our new Events Manager, Victoria brings experience from both the non- and for-profit sectors, with a spirit of professionalism, undeniable branding-savvy, and compassionate tenacity baked into everything she touches.


And as much as we can hardly wrap our heads around our fifth birthday, we are gobsmacked by, and giddy about, the volume of press our operation has received in just the past 12 months. Who knew there was so much stirring content to share about our history, mission, and accomplishments? (Well, we did, but we're not without a smidge of bias.) In case you missed it, here's where we popped up in national print:


Convene Magazine, the leading publication in the business events industry, featured KLH Group in an article in its November 2019 issue. “Conference Attendees Mentor Budding Entrepreneurs” captured our unique ability to put our multinational CSR clients in close proximity to their benefactors - in this case, at-risk youth with entrepreneurial aspirations.

Mount Pleasant Magazine Feature

In its September/October 2019 issue, Mount Pleasant Magazine ran an article titled, “Clubhouses for Children with Cancer: Building a Place to Dream, Imagine, and Play,” introducing the aim of our clubhouse builds to our home community and chronicling two local events that yielded sweet safe havens for two incredibly brave young cancer fighters.

Exhibitor Magazine Feature

Exhibitor Magazine, which follows best practices in trade shows and events, shared a June 2019 article, "KLH Group Adds Social Impact to Luxury Corporate Events." The story takes a look back at our origins, and how they shaped our mission of not just matching the CSR goals of large organizations with existing templates, but thoughtfully designing authentically impactful events tailored to the company culture, employee spirit, and global aim of the client.

Meetings & Events Magazine Feature

Meetings + Events Magazine headlined an April 2019 article “ALHI Unites Industry with Fourth Annual ‘Leaders Meeting Leaders’ Program.” This story highlighted our experience treating a global organization steeped in luxury travel to some true Southern splendor, then sharing an afternoon with them for an outdoor clubhouse build helping underserved children craft their own deluxe digs.

The Ruby Hour Feature

And amid all the print bliss, we ended the year with some audio delight, engaging in a wise and witty podcast with local marketing outlet Ruby Riot Creatives. Hope's December conversation on The Ruby Hour ran the gamut of attracting top talent and operating fearlessly to setting boundaries with clients and, yes, fertility. "Bringing Your Soul Values Back Into the Workplace" is worth a listen - the first time, to inform and inspire; then again, just to put you in a better mood.

Every day is precious. And every New Year is exciting. But we're going to celebrate this special marker - now that we've fully comprehended it - with a few more "high fives." Then we're going to get back to doing more of what makes us so happy to be 1,825 days into a gig so great.

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We are not our story


Social Impact Events allow us to get to know the families we serve intimately & throughout these events we are welcomed into their stories and lives. What is always so amazing to me is how resilient these little kids are and how they do not let their stories hold them back.

Over the past year I’ve pondered this and have taken a hard look at how I have identified with my story for so long and how freeing it is to finally leave the past in the past and begin living for the present. This takes practice not perfection, one day at a time.

My favorite poet writes:

“Our ability to find something to love, and to love again for the first time, depends greatly on how we resolve and integrate where we’ve been before. A great model for us exists in the chambered nautilus, and exquisite shell creature that lives along the ocean floor. The Nautilus is a deep sea form of life that inches like a soft man and a hardshell finding his prayers along the bottom. Over time it builds a spiral shell, but always lives in the newest chamber.

The other chambers, they say, contain a gas or liquid that helps the Nautilus control is buoyancy. Even here, a new lesson in how to use the past: live in the most recent chamber and use the others to stay afloat.

Can we, in this way, build strong chambers for our traumas: not living there, but breaking our past down till it is fluid enough to lose most of its weight? Can we internalize where we’ve been enough to know that we are no longer living there? When we can, life will seem lighter."

It is not by accident that the Nautilus turns it slow digestion of the bottom into a body that can float. It tells us that only time can put the past in perspective, and only when the past is behind us, and not before us, we can be open enough and empty enough to truly feel what is about to happen. Only by living in the fresh chamber of the heart can we love again and again for the first time. “

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting with Matt Hampton, a local writer who is an incredible soul. He and I took a walk. We talked a lot about not being our story and not being our past but moving forward with the truth that the past has happened but we no longer need to be defined by our stories. Hope you enjoy the read. Thanks Matt!


Hot off the Press (Release): Supporting our friends at Doors to Dream

We are so thrilled for our cool comrades at Doors to Dream, and honored to have had a hand in helping them plan their first “after school” project. We can’t wait to see how they grow this program, endowing Charleston and beyond with a fresh, eager crop of humanitarians. But first, a look back on what they achieved at kick-off:

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Doors to Dream Builds Next Gen Philanthropic Spirit at Local High School  

Charleston, SC (May 23, 2019) – Providing the vehicle that transports the will to serve into substantive action, Doors to Dream is mobilizing some of the youngest philanthropists in the Holy City. Too often stuck between a reputation of blind self-interest and an absence of resources to effect real change, today’s youth wish to address the former with “I want to help,” but the latter leaves them with “I don’t know how.” Doors to Dream aims to free them from the stereotype, and fortify them for life-changing service.

At an inaugural event toward that mission, the non-profit recently partnered with Charleston County’s Burke High School to galvanize a group of 10th graders for a compassionate cause: replenishing the supply of toys for the patients of MUSC Children’s Hospital. In the weeks leading up to the event, Burke faculty identified six student leaders for the project, and from there planning for a toy drive, fundraiser car wash, and class-wide assembly was under way. With their sponsoring teachers and the Doors to Dream executive team available for consult, the sophomore team took charge of every aspect of the initiative, from obtaining MUSC’s Child Life management’s “wish list” of toys, to staffing and marketing the car wash, to conceptualizing and coordinating the culminating rally.

That final event took place on May 8 in the auditorium of Burke High, and incorporated the school’s entire 10th grade class. Following brief presentations from the student leadership team and Doors to Dream Executive Director Carey Dunn, the class was divided into eight color-coded teams and armed with competition guidelines. In a relay race-style format, each team was to organize their share of the $2,000 worth of donated puzzles, Legos, crafts supplies, magna tiles, and other toys into bins prepared for delivery to the children’s hospital. Every single student was engaged with a conspicuous and critical role, from caller to runner to quality control, and at the sound of the gong they were off. Team Silver ultimately took the bragging rights, but every teen walked away with the sweet swagger of having furthered a meaningful cause. And as they watched their student leaders load the school bus with the bins of goodies and drive off toward a most deserving point of delivery, they were all moved with an authentic spirit of compassion and confidence in their undeniable impact. Such a profound outcome would not have resulted without commitment, trust, and teamwork.

“We believe authentic relationships serve as the foundation to all meaningful and positive growth, and therefore understood the value and importance of building relationships with teachers, staff, and students at Burke before inserting ourselves into this community,” remarked Dunn. “Watching our student leaders, and the pursuit of excellence they projected, inspired their fellow classmates to take pride in the competition and leave feeling connected to a meaningful community outreach project.”

This was evident in the happiness and hustle shown by each student participant, and summed up beautifully by one: “This project has activated something inside me that was already there, but now it is awake. I feel empowered to do more for the community.”

This was just the beginning. The Doors to Dream after school program officially launches Fall 2019. Please visit to find out more information and learn about ways to support us. Inquiries about our programming are welcomed at

About Doors to Dream

Doors to Dream is a non-profit organization based in Charleston, SC. We invest directly in Charleston’s underserved youth to empower and equip them to pursue their dreams with determination and faith. We are committed to developing programs for these students that dismantle the detrimental effects of the opportunity gaps they face. Doors to Dream will use after school hours to engage students in authentic mentorship relationships and support the creation and completion of student-designed social impact projects. Unlocking for each student a greater awareness of who they are and what they are capable of will transform their confidence and set them on a path towards lifelong success.  


The Importance of a Table. Yes, a Table.

These days, the good people at The New Primal are putting even more emphasis on how folks eat than what they eat. As purveyors of healthy, tasty, convenient food, this might appear to run counter to a solid business model. But for an outfit that is fast earning a reputation for having the best-tasting and cleanest jerky and cooking sauces (with, incidentally, the most adorable packaging), it does not. They already know you'll be happy you threw that packet of BBQ Meat Thins into your backpack and emptied that bottle of Noble Made Citrus Herb marinade over your crockpot chicken - and that you'll remember to enjoy their products again and again. But now, they want you to enjoy them more, well, communally.

The New Primal's "Return to the Table" campaign is a call to its customers - loyalists and newbies - to make mealtime more intentionally connecting again. Sure, they recognize that life gets busy, paths get crossed and, frankly, something's gotta give. They just don't want that something to always be dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast/brunch. And The New Primal is suggesting that, perhaps with the help of its easy and versatile sauces, the time to gather around the table can - and should - be reinstituted.

But that notion takes for granted one basic element: the table. And it was recently brought to the attention of these good people that this simple furnishing is often missing from the completion of another company's mission. Local nonprofit One80 Place has saved over 9,000 Charlestonians from homelessness in the 35 years they've been serving the City's underserved. But when its clients move into their new homes, they are often without the most basic pieces of furniture. As much as they would love to "return to the table," they find themselves without a table to which they can return.

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So, with our help, The New Primal mobilized to start resolving this dilemma. Under a beautiful late April Lowcountry sky, a dozen colleagues from the company brought lumber, tools, and the swagger of temporary carpenters to Wragg Square. There they met representatives from One80 Place and Homeless to Hope, the outfit that partners with One80 Place to collect furniture donations and deliver them to post-program residences of the nonprofit's beneficiaries.

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 Over the course of two hours, the modest crew divided into teams, each constructing a small dining table and pair of chairs. When the sawdust settled, there was a total of 4 tables and 8 chairs ready for delivery, to be set for meals and gathered around. And since woodworkers cannot work by wood alone, there was plenty of snacking (jerky, of course) and the musical motivation of a handpicked playlist - from Michael Franti's "I'm Alive" to Technotronic's "Pump Up the Jam."

Time and again, we are reminded that there is no shortage of good companies doing great things in Charleston. And when they meet up to fulfill a symbiotic need, it gives us goosebumps every time. Thanks so much to The New Primal, One80 Place, and Homeless to Hope for getting us all gushy once again.

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Hold on to your HEARTS

Our fearless and faithful leader, Hope Caldwell, tried to warn us. But when we saw the photos - and read the bios - of the two young benefactors of our most recent clubhouse build, our tickers were toast.

Both boys have a smile that will incite a concurrent melt and flutter, and learning of their loves - from baseball to best friends - will spur a soar. But it’s the struggle they share in common that will threaten to nearly break any heart: in the fall of 2017, both were diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). To consider the despair and anxiety over such a diagnosis is just the beginning of that heartache. Learning of the very real, daily battle being fought by Milo Sligh and Gaige Hernandez is to understand how they are being robbed of the carefree childhood each so deserves. Infusions, injections, and biopsies. Scheduled clinic visits, unplanned inpatient stays, and emergency room admissions. School absences, playdates missed, and holidays in the hospital. It is more than any of the youngest among us should be asked to bear.



So we are called to try to restore a little bit of the splendor of childhood by constructing clubhouses for kids like Milo and Gaige. And on February 28, we partnered with Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI) to plan and co-sponsor a truly extraordinary build day for these two “clubhouse kids.” Members, clients, and employees of the global sales organization had traveled to Charleston to experience the Lowcountry luxury of their newest member property, Hotel Bennett. They also came to make some real social impact, and on introduction of their scheduled event, we had 60 eager hearts well before we had 60 sets of hands.



For over three decades, ALHI has been linking meeting and incentive marketplace professionals to a portfolio of more than 250 of the most esteemed hotels, resorts, cruise ships, and travel partners on the planet. With a mission to match top industry talent with distinctive independent properties and emerging luxury brands, it is apparent that ALHI’s strategy is a thoughtful one. So it is no surprise that the organization’s associates and members would bring that same level of conspicuous care to a cause and an event like this.


The group enjoyed and celebrated the splendor of Hotel Bennett - from the luxurious guestrooms to the exceptional cuisine and cocktails - and marveled at the surrounding city. Then, under a perfectly cloud-studded late winter sky, the ALHI team gathered for an afternoon in Marion Square. Lowes provided many of the supplies and gear, and Other Brother Entertainment kept the beats just above the sound of drills and saws. In just two energetic hours, a pair of clubhouses were constructed, as precious as they were sturdy. Gaige and Milo were right there to not only bear witness to the build and accept its gifts, but to experience a day dedicated to putting something back into their childhoods.



To meet these tender warriors was a blessing, and to lovingly build and present to each of them a dream clubhouse - a special space of their own - was an honor for us and for our incredible partners at ALHI.


A Profound Winter Turnaround

A full belly.

A sheltered body.

An optimistic soul.

 Needs may be basic, but not always simple. Fulfillment of one may mean comfort for an hour, while achievement of another can last a lifetime. But all have requirements, from the procurement of modest means and resources to the gifts of compassionate service and philanthropy. It is a very special organization that can gather – and galvanize – all that is required for the breadth of human needs. Here in Charleston, that organization is One80 Place.

 For nearly 35 years, the nonprofit that began as a small interfaith ministry has been feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and bolstering the underserved in the Holy City. In that time, its staff and volunteers have served over 2.5 million meals, set more than 40,000 warm beds, and saved over 9,000 Charlestonians from a lifetime of homelessness. From immediate comfort to a long-term path forward, One80 Place meets critical human needs – and we couldn’t be more honored to provide partners in their effort.

 Our most recent partnership was with Leo Pharmaceutical. The company brought 140 team members to Charleston in early February, and KLH Group organized and facilitated a dynamic service event to benefit One80 Place. The gathering at Charleston Place kicked off with team-building (disguised as balloon popping) and trivia, followed by heartfelt addresses from Charleston mayor John Tecklenburg, Leo Pharmaceutical leadership, and a trio of One80 Place employees. Then it was time to get to work (disguised as play).

 As a way to smooth the transition from temporary shelter to permanent home, One80 Place has a tradition of providing “move-in kits” to those they aid. Essential items from cleaning supplies to kitchen gear are collected, packaged, and presented at each special “homecoming.” On that afternoon two weeks ago, our visiting friends from Leo Pharmaceuticals were charged with assembling 180 move-in kits. The catch? They had to procure every item – with the assistance of ten representatives from One80 Place – by way of a scavenger hunt. It was in this quest that a spirit of teamwork and culture of generosity was further cultivated.

 Truth be told, we sometimes so lose ourselves in the fun experienced during these events that we momentarily forget the real impact of the service. But perhaps that’s how it should be. The effect is still profound, and we’ve helped to fulfill more intangible - but nevertheless basic - needs that connect us all:


A feeling of joy.

A spirit of camaraderie.

A sense of purpose.

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What the Heck are Social Impact Events?

This fall we had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussion at Pinehurst Resort in North Carolina. The topic was on “Success Through Service”. Hope had the pleasure of working with John Fikany, a 13 year Microsoft Veteran on developing a talk centered around humanizing corporate America.

Take a peak at this quick 2 min video to get a sense of Social ImpactEvent.


Second Quarter Roundup

Scholars and scientists assert that kindness, social connection, and gratitude are key drivers of happiness.

They could have used KLH group as a case study, because we are goose-bumped with good vibes and grinning ear to ear after the second quarter we just experienced. Here's a recap:


social impact:

How do you package 110,000 meals in 90 minutes? You partner with a fabulous corporate client to host the kind of affair that draws 800 guests. With so many hands making light (and life-changing) work, relief for residents of disaster-stricken areas and schoolchildren in developing countries were fed more expeditiously by way of our first big second quarter event.


The needtobreathe classic 

Later in the spring, another powerhouse collaboration further propelled the effort for worldwide sustainable healthcare. It was with great pleasure  that we partnered with Grammy-nominated NEEDTOBREATHE on the golf classic bearing their name. Benefiting OneWorld Health, the annual tournament and concert event has, to date, raised over $1.2 million to build and operate medical centers in Africa and South America.


something to celebrate!

Capping off such a tremendous season, we were overwhelmed to receive the 2018 Social Impact Entrepreneur Award. Presented by Local Choice, the award recognizes businesses “creating stronger, prosperous communities” – without question, that is our aim.


event production

With no shortage of great places to party and great people to toast in Charleston, it seems the celebrations comes easy around here. Still, it is only with time, creativity, and a bit of muscle that each of our shindigs come together. Spring of 2018 was highlighted first by the production of a high-touch corporate outing at a five-star Lowcountry property. We had our hands in everything from the fine linens and décor to the incredible live music and oyster roast, and we made sure each guest was on the golf roster or the spa schedule. But the gorgeous nightly sunsets? That was all Mother Nature. And she smiled on us again in May as we presented The Harbor Entrepreneur Center’s 2018 Founder’s Ball. Blue skies were the backdrop at Pacific Box & Crate for some semi-fancy fun (craft cocktails meets cornhole), as more than 200 local entrepreneurs were represented. Considering the innovative talent in attendance and the cool urban venue, we figured a champagne-pouring aerialist was only fitting. Indeed, our event production cup overfloweth.

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We feel it in our hearts more than our heads are able to say.

From the planning meetings with partners to the culminating big event… from the “typical” office days that run like clockwork to the frantic logistical hiccups that somehow find resolution… we look around us and feel gratitude every day, without exception.

To the clients who put their faith in us, the vendors who share their efforts with us, and the partners who take the journey with us: thank you.

We are collectively proud of the road behind us, and positively giddy about the road ahead.


Social Impact Event at Seamark Ranch

We don’t just dare to dream — we dare to act. This comes from our innate desire to find a better way and succeed...We execute every day, without ever taking our eyes off the possibilities ahead. We know that nothing great can be accomplished without courage. That’s why we roll up our sleeves, test our limits and dare to be bold in all we do.
— Newell Brands

When given the opportunity to partner with a company like Newell Brands, everyone rolls up their sleeves and the dreams get big and real, quickly. Looking to connect this incredible team of volunteers with a larger and incredibly powerful social impact opportunity, KLHGroup delivered in spades creating a day of service at Sea Mark Ranch.

Seamark Ranch, located on a beautiful 468-acre campus in Northeast Florida, opened in 2007 and has since served over 100 children with its homes, on-campus school, and extensive childcare programs. Through the equestrian program, farm care, and the provision of a safe and loving home, each child is set on a journey towards healing, while developing life skills to support their future independence as adults.

KLHGroup’s exceptional team took care of all the logistics and preparations so that the teams of volunteers from Newell would be able to install shelving units in the pantry, re-furbish and update the physical buildings and the grounds through painting, pruning and planting, as well as have enough time to play kickball and provide a listening supportive ear to the children and staff at Sea Mark. “It was amazing to have everyone out here, we don’t get that very often. The people that came out were amazing people, I really appreciated having them here to talk to.”-SeaMark Ranch Resident

With the fundamental vision of “Dream Big, Dare to Act” driving both Newell and KLHGroup, the success of this event was like watching the grand finale of the fireworks at 4th of July- you leave in awe of what you saw and experienced!
