Second Quarter Roundup

Scholars and scientists assert that kindness, social connection, and gratitude are key drivers of happiness.

They could have used KLH group as a case study, because we are goose-bumped with good vibes and grinning ear to ear after the second quarter we just experienced. Here's a recap:


social impact:

How do you package 110,000 meals in 90 minutes? You partner with a fabulous corporate client to host the kind of affair that draws 800 guests. With so many hands making light (and life-changing) work, relief for residents of disaster-stricken areas and schoolchildren in developing countries were fed more expeditiously by way of our first big second quarter event.


The needtobreathe classic 

Later in the spring, another powerhouse collaboration further propelled the effort for worldwide sustainable healthcare. It was with great pleasure  that we partnered with Grammy-nominated NEEDTOBREATHE on the golf classic bearing their name. Benefiting OneWorld Health, the annual tournament and concert event has, to date, raised over $1.2 million to build and operate medical centers in Africa and South America.


something to celebrate!

Capping off such a tremendous season, we were overwhelmed to receive the 2018 Social Impact Entrepreneur Award. Presented by Local Choice, the award recognizes businesses “creating stronger, prosperous communities” – without question, that is our aim.


event production

With no shortage of great places to party and great people to toast in Charleston, it seems the celebrations comes easy around here. Still, it is only with time, creativity, and a bit of muscle that each of our shindigs come together. Spring of 2018 was highlighted first by the production of a high-touch corporate outing at a five-star Lowcountry property. We had our hands in everything from the fine linens and décor to the incredible live music and oyster roast, and we made sure each guest was on the golf roster or the spa schedule. But the gorgeous nightly sunsets? That was all Mother Nature. And she smiled on us again in May as we presented The Harbor Entrepreneur Center’s 2018 Founder’s Ball. Blue skies were the backdrop at Pacific Box & Crate for some semi-fancy fun (craft cocktails meets cornhole), as more than 200 local entrepreneurs were represented. Considering the innovative talent in attendance and the cool urban venue, we figured a champagne-pouring aerialist was only fitting. Indeed, our event production cup overfloweth.

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Photo Nov 18, 3 20 22 PM.jpg
Photo May 01, 6 13 39 PM.jpg
Photo May 01, 6 16 14 PM.jpg
Photo May 12, 8 24 19 PM.jpg
Photo May 12, 8 07 46 PM.jpg
Photo May 12, 6 59 05 PM.jpg



We feel it in our hearts more than our heads are able to say.

From the planning meetings with partners to the culminating big event… from the “typical” office days that run like clockwork to the frantic logistical hiccups that somehow find resolution… we look around us and feel gratitude every day, without exception.

To the clients who put their faith in us, the vendors who share their efforts with us, and the partners who take the journey with us: thank you.

We are collectively proud of the road behind us, and positively giddy about the road ahead.
