A Profound Winter Turnaround

A full belly.

A sheltered body.

An optimistic soul.

 Needs may be basic, but not always simple. Fulfillment of one may mean comfort for an hour, while achievement of another can last a lifetime. But all have requirements, from the procurement of modest means and resources to the gifts of compassionate service and philanthropy. It is a very special organization that can gather – and galvanize – all that is required for the breadth of human needs. Here in Charleston, that organization is One80 Place.

 For nearly 35 years, the nonprofit that began as a small interfaith ministry has been feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and bolstering the underserved in the Holy City. In that time, its staff and volunteers have served over 2.5 million meals, set more than 40,000 warm beds, and saved over 9,000 Charlestonians from a lifetime of homelessness. From immediate comfort to a long-term path forward, One80 Place meets critical human needs – and we couldn’t be more honored to provide partners in their effort.

 Our most recent partnership was with Leo Pharmaceutical. The company brought 140 team members to Charleston in early February, and KLH Group organized and facilitated a dynamic service event to benefit One80 Place. The gathering at Charleston Place kicked off with team-building (disguised as balloon popping) and trivia, followed by heartfelt addresses from Charleston mayor John Tecklenburg, Leo Pharmaceutical leadership, and a trio of One80 Place employees. Then it was time to get to work (disguised as play).

 As a way to smooth the transition from temporary shelter to permanent home, One80 Place has a tradition of providing “move-in kits” to those they aid. Essential items from cleaning supplies to kitchen gear are collected, packaged, and presented at each special “homecoming.” On that afternoon two weeks ago, our visiting friends from Leo Pharmaceuticals were charged with assembling 180 move-in kits. The catch? They had to procure every item – with the assistance of ten representatives from One80 Place – by way of a scavenger hunt. It was in this quest that a spirit of teamwork and culture of generosity was further cultivated.

 Truth be told, we sometimes so lose ourselves in the fun experienced during these events that we momentarily forget the real impact of the service. But perhaps that’s how it should be. The effect is still profound, and we’ve helped to fulfill more intangible - but nevertheless basic - needs that connect us all:


A feeling of joy.

A spirit of camaraderie.

A sense of purpose.

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