Social Impact Event at Seamark Ranch

We don’t just dare to dream — we dare to act. This comes from our innate desire to find a better way and succeed...We execute every day, without ever taking our eyes off the possibilities ahead. We know that nothing great can be accomplished without courage. That’s why we roll up our sleeves, test our limits and dare to be bold in all we do.
— Newell Brands

When given the opportunity to partner with a company like Newell Brands, everyone rolls up their sleeves and the dreams get big and real, quickly. Looking to connect this incredible team of volunteers with a larger and incredibly powerful social impact opportunity, KLHGroup delivered in spades creating a day of service at Sea Mark Ranch.

Seamark Ranch, located on a beautiful 468-acre campus in Northeast Florida, opened in 2007 and has since served over 100 children with its homes, on-campus school, and extensive childcare programs. Through the equestrian program, farm care, and the provision of a safe and loving home, each child is set on a journey towards healing, while developing life skills to support their future independence as adults.

KLHGroup’s exceptional team took care of all the logistics and preparations so that the teams of volunteers from Newell would be able to install shelving units in the pantry, re-furbish and update the physical buildings and the grounds through painting, pruning and planting, as well as have enough time to play kickball and provide a listening supportive ear to the children and staff at Sea Mark. “It was amazing to have everyone out here, we don’t get that very often. The people that came out were amazing people, I really appreciated having them here to talk to.”-SeaMark Ranch Resident

With the fundamental vision of “Dream Big, Dare to Act” driving both Newell and KLHGroup, the success of this event was like watching the grand finale of the fireworks at 4th of July- you leave in awe of what you saw and experienced!
